Monday, 26 April 2010

Ravensbourne IDEAs Group Structures

The Ravensbourne IDEAs Structures in April 2010. They seemed to survive the winter

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Josh Browne

Some bits of work done by my friend Josh Browne, Studying Product Design at Rochester UCA

Saturday, 24 April 2010

A day out in london

One day strolling around London whilst heading to the RIBA to see the
lives of spaces on the 9th April.

What a stunning old Aston.


This model at the building centre us awsum! All current buildings are
in grey and things planning to be built are in White!

A Whole New Start and Idea..

Hi There,

i wanted to create a design blog, create a bit of attention with a few friends of mine and see what will happen?! It's been a very busy few days.. If people want things uploaded. Bounce me a message.