Well, the presentation for urban environments has been finished. The feedback was as follows:
The presentation was described as punchy, sexy and very graphical, however there were weaknesses in the project that will need to be looked into. Cross through sections are needed I'm surprised we managed to get away not having them! Render wise: we tended to use sketches we had drawn but we did decide to edit our work greatly which might have been a bit of a weakness.
Anyway, I have attached a few quick images that we have produced from our project. One is of the school. A mixed use school with primary and secondary education taking place. The idea is that having both year groups together will help to stop the stress of going from primary to secondary school in education. The cladding is made from a see through concrete that allows light to pass through the structure, letting in as much natural light as possible.
The next are a few images and sketches of what became fondly known as the 'power' or 'eco' walls. These are honeycomb patterned structures that have joined up shipping crates traveling through them. The crates become low cost flexible housing that have virtually a carbon free footprint. The honeycombs are also full of photovoltaic panels and wind turbines.
Also the hotel design is attached, this is effectively a shed; The ides of this is that pods can be inserted into the outer shell to allow for the longevity of the building.
The whole aim of the project was:
To create a sustainable development that becomes flexible with time.
The structures will have a longer life cycle as the programmes will be flexible and can be moulded to the wants and needs of the particular site.
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